
This project was created with the intention of having a music player on the web, and at the same time learn to implement technologies such as nextjs, typescript, tailwindcss, supabase, and react-query. Implement user authentication, and the possibility to create playlist, and add songs to the playlist, saving all the songs with their names, images and url in the supabase database.

Para descargar las canciones use codigo python para descargar las canciones de youtube y

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  • Industry: Music
  • Timeline: Still Working
  • Web Development

My Role

  • Responsabilities

    • Try to make the page as close to the original as possible
    • Investigate how the supabase api works
    • Save the information of the songs in the database
    • Download songs from youtube in the most optimal way possible
  • Technologies


The Project

  • Challenges

    The difficulties I faced when tackling this project were the implementation of the supabase api, and the implementation of user authentication, as I had no experience with these technologies, but thanks to the supabase documentation and the nextjs documentation I was able to implement them successfully. Also the downloading of the songs was a challenge since I didn't know how to do it.

  • Outcome

    Thanks to this project I was able to learn new technologies such as supabase, react-query, and nextjs. I was also able to improve my backend skills, and learn new techniques to download songs from youtube.
